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ANSIProgressBarPane Class

An ANSIProgressBarPane object displays a horizontal progress bar on a serial terminal or xterm. If you display a progress bar pane independently (using the show method), you can close the pane by pressing Enter or Esc.

The ‘progress’ instance variable specifies how much of the progress bar is highlighted. It’s better to use the percent method, though, which calculates the progress bar’s hightlighted area and sets the percent legend.

As with all other ANSI pane widgets, you either display or omit the border and shadow decorations. Progress bars can also display a title string, which you can set using the title method, implemented in ANSIWidgetPane class. See ANSIWidgetPane.

Here is an example program that displays an ANSIProgressBarPane object.

int main () {
  ANSIProgressBarPane new progressBar;

  progressBar shadow = 1;
  progressBar border = 1;

  progressBar title "Progress";

  progressBar percent 65.0;

  progressBar show 2, 2;

  progressBar cleanup;

You can set the size of a progres bar using the dimension method. In that case, setting the progress bar using the percent method adjusts for the pane’s width. The widget’s display area is always drawn as one character row tall, however.

If you display the progress bar as a widget in an application, then you can update the progress bar on the screen using the display method instead of show, because display does not wait for user input before returning.

Instance Variables


An Integer that specifies where to draw the percent legend in the progress bar’s content area.


An Integer that specifies percent of the progress bar’s internal area that is highlighted. Setting this using the percent method, below, also adjusts the hightlight’s dimensions for the progress bar’s width. This variable is also used to display the text of the percent logo in the widget’s content area.


An Integer that specifies the number of character columns to highlight in the progress bar’s viewable area.


An Integer that specifies the height in character rows of the widget’s viewable area. The progress bar highlight is always drawn as one character row in height.


An Integer that specifies the width in character rows of the widget’s viewable area.

Instance Methods

dimension (Integer width, Integer height)

Set the width and height of the pane in character columns.

show (Integer x, Integer y)

Display the pane at row and column x,y, and return immediately.

handleInput (void)

Wait for the user’s input. Pressing Esc or Enter closes the pane. and returns.

new (String paneName)

Create new ANSIProgressBarPane objects, one for each label given in the method’s argument list.

percent (Float percent)

Set the percent of the progress bar’s highlighted area. This method adjusts for the width of the progress bar and sets the text for the percent logo.

refresh (void)

Redraw the progress bar on the terminal.

show (Integer x, Integer y)

Display the pane at row and column x,y, and wait for the user’s input.

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