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ANSIMessageBoxPane Class

ANSIMessageBox objects present users with a pop-up dialog that contains a messages, and an ANSIButtonPaneOk’ button to close the widget.

Here is a simple example.

int main () {
  ANSIMessageBoxPane new messageBox;
  messageBox withText "Hello, world!";
  messageBox show 10, 10;
  messageBox cleanup;

Subclasses can always implement convenience methods to set input and output stream parameters if necessary.

You should also take care of the differences between xterms, consoles, and serial terminals. In particular, even though the parent method (class ANSIWidgetPane) See ANSITerminalStream.

Instance Variables


An ANSIButtonPane object that contains the pane’s ‘Ok’ button.


A String object that contains the text that appears in the message box.

Instance Methods

cleanup (void)

Delete the receiver’s extra data before deletion. The receiver objects themselves are deleted normally.

new (String message_box_name)

Create one or more new ANSIMessageBox objects.

withText (String text)

The argument is the text that will appear in the message box. The method adjusts the pane’s dimensions to fit the text.

show (int x_origin, int y_origin)

Display the receiver at x_origin, y_origin. If the receiver is displayed independently, the origin is relative to the upper left-hand corner of the display, or if the receiver is to be displayed over a parent pane, it is mapped to the parent pane with the origin relative the the parent pane’s upper left-hand corner.