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X11TextEntryPane Class

A X11TextEntryPane object displays a basic, single line text entry box. Users can enter text when the pointer is over the entry box, and the application can retrieve the text that the user enters as the contents of the X11TextEntryPane : entryText method.

Editing is performed using the pointer’s left button or cursor motion keys to position the cursor. Users may insert text at that point, or delete characters using the Backspace and Delete keys. The class also supports cursor motion using Emacs-compatible editing keys.

Action            Keys
------            ----
Character Left    Left Arrow,  Ctrl-B
Character Right   Right Arrow, Ctrl-F
Start of Text     Home,        Ctrl-A
End of Text       End,         Ctrl-E
Delete Right      Del,         Ctrl-D
Delete Left       Backspace
Delete Selection  Backspace (If Selecting Text)

In addition, X11TextEntryPane objects support cutting and pasting of entry text using the X primary selection. The class uses the standard pointer buttons to select text and to paste text selected by other X client programs.

Action                           Pointer Buttons
------                           ---------------
Set Insertion Point              Button 1 (Left Button) Press and 
Paste Selected Text At Cursor    Button 2 (Center Button, or Both
                                 Left and Right Buttons) Press and

Select Text to Place on the      Button 1 (Left Button) Press + Drag
X selection                      Pointer Across Text

Here is an example of an X11TextEntryPane object’s use.

/*, a X11TextEntryPane demonstration. -*-c-*- */

/* Uncomment if you want the entry box to echo dots. */
/* #define DOTS */

#include <ctalk/ctalkdefs.h>

int main (int argv, char **argc) {
  X11Pane new xPane;
  X11PaneDispatcher new dispatcher;
  X11TextEntryPane new entry;
  X11LabelPane new label;
  X11ButtonPane new button;
  InputEvent new e;
  Integer new nEvents;
  Integer new verbose;
  X11Cursor new cursor;

  xPane ftFontVar initFontLib;
  xPane resources atPut "backgroundColor", "blue";
  label resources replaceAt "backgroundColor", "blue";
  label resources replaceAt "foregroundColor", "blue";
  label resources replaceAt "highlightForegroundColor", "blue";
  label resources replaceAt "textColor", "white";
  label resources replaceAt "highlightTextColor", "white";
  label border = false;

#ifdef DOTS
  entry dots = true;
   xPane initialize 300, 185;
  dispatcher attachTo xPane;
  label attachTo dispatcher, "100x80+10+10";
  button attachTo dispatcher, "70x55+c+100";
  entry attachTo dispatcher, "140x32+120+32";

  xPane map;
  xPane raiseWindow;

  xPane openEventStream;

  xPane setWMTitle "X11TextEntryPane Demo";
  label multiLine "Enter your\ntext:";
  button label text "Done";

  while (TRUE) {
    xPane inputStream queueInput;
    if (xPane inputStream eventPending) {
      e become xPane inputStream inputQueue unshift;

      xPane subPaneNotify e;

      switch (e eventClass value)
        case EXPOSE:
          entry refresh;
        case WINDELETE:
          xPane deleteAndClose;
          exit (0);
          if (button haveClick) {
            button clearClick;
            xPane deleteAndClose;
            printf ("You entered: %s\n", entry entryText);
            exit (0);

Echoing Dots

Normally a X11TextEntryPane object displays characters as you type them. However, you can set the dots instance variable to ‘true’ to cause the pane to display dots instead, like this.

entry dots = true;


For information about how to set and retrieve resources, refer to the X11Pane section See PaneResources.


The background color of the entry pane’s window. The default is ‘white’.


The color of the entry pane’s border. The default is ‘gray’.


The width in pixels of the pane’s border when the pointer is not above it. The default is 1 pixels.


The distance in pixels between the last character and the cursor when the point is positioned at the end of the buffer for appending text. The default is 2 pixels when built and run with MacOS, 4 pixels for Linux and other systems.


A String that contains the display font’s descriptor. In order to maintain alignment between the character display and insertion point, the display font be monospaced.

The default font for MacOS is ‘Bitstream Vera Sans Mono-14:weight=medium;slant=roman’. The default font for Linux and other systems is ‘DejaVu Sans Mono-12:weight=medium;slant=roman’.


The width in pixels of the pane’s border when the pointer is over it and the pane’s window has the input focus. The default is 4 pixels.


The distance in pixels between the edges of the text and the edge to the window, including the width of the border. The default is 4 pixels.


The distance in pixels that the pane adjusts the displayed text’s horizontal spacing. The default is -1 for MacOs and 0 for Linux and other systems.


A String that contains the background color of selected text. The default is ‘orange’.


The color that the pane uses to display text. The default is ‘black’.

Instance Variables


An Integer that contains the vertical location of the text’s baseline in the entry window, in pixels.


An Integer that records the state of the pointer buttons when the program receives a BUTTONPRESS or BUTTONRELEASE event.


A Boolean that helps determine how a part of the text is displayed if the text is too large to fit within the pane.


An Integer that contains the leftmost character that is displayed when the text is scrolled leftward.


A List that contains the entry pane’s text. Each member of the list is a CharCell, a class used exclusively by X11TextEntryPane objects, which contains both the character and information about its dimensions and placement within the window.


A X11Cursor object that contains a text editing cursor which is displayed when the pointer is over the pane and it has the keyboard input focus.


An Integer that contains the character index of the cursor and insertion point within the text.


A Boolean, which, if set by a program, causes the entry pane to echo dots instead of the typed characters. In order to display dots, the calling program should contain a statement like this.

entry dots = true;


A Boolean object that is true when the pointer is over the pane and the pane has the keyboard input focus.


The width of the pane as measured in the number of characters that can be displayed at one time using the current font. The pane uses the paneWidth variable’s value to help determine which section of the text to display when the entire text is too wide to fit within the pane’s window.


An Integer that determines where each character that the user types is inserted into the buffer’s text. If point is equal to the size of the chars list, then the pane appends the characters to the end of the text.


A Boolean that is true if the user is in the process of selecting text; that is, when the pointer’s left button is depressed and the pointer is dragged across the text.


These are Integer, which, if non-zero contain the start and end indexes of selected text within the entry pane’s buffer.


An Integer that records whether a Shift, Control, or Caps Lock key is being pressed while typing.


An Integer that contains the value of the ‘spacingHint’ resource.

Instance Methods

attachTo (X11Pane parentPane, String geometry)

Attaches the entry pane to parentPane using the dimensions and placement given by geometry. For information about how to specify a pane’s geometry, refer to the X11PaneDispatcher class See X11PaneDispatcher.

calclulateSpaceAppend (void)

This method defers calculating the width of a space that the user appends to the text until a following character is added.

charCellAt (Integer charIndex)

Returns the CharCell object for the charIndex position in the text. (I.e., the nth element of the chars instance variable’s list).

charIndex (Integer clickX, Integer clickY)

Returns an Integer with the index of the character displayed at clickX,clickY.

clearSelection (void)

Clears the selection in response to events from the user or from another X client application requesting the selection ownership.

deleteAt (Integer charIndex)

Deletes the character at charIndex and returns the element, which is a CharCell object. CharCell objects are a class that X11TextEntryPane class uses to store each character, as well as its dimensions and placement within the window.

deleteForward (Integer charIndex)

This deletes the character at the insertion point and is called when the user presses the Delete or Ctrl-D key.

draw (void)

Draws the pane’s border, its text contents after determining how far left to scroll the text, and calls drawCursor to draw the insertion cursor. The drawing occurs on the pane’s paneBuffer instance variable, which is a X11Bitmap object. To make the the pane’s contents visible in the application’s window, use the refresh method.

drawCursor (void)

Draws the pane’s editing cursor at the text insertion point.

drawSelection (void)

If any text is selected, highlight the text using the color defined by the selectionColor resource.

entryText (void)

Returns the text contents of the entry pane as a String object.

inputWidth (Integer startIdx)

Returns an Integer that contains the width in pixels of the input text starting at character startIdx. This method determines how far leftward text should be scrolled to keep the insertion point and its surrounding text visible in the pane’s window.

insertAt (Integer charIndex)

Inserts a CharCell object at charIndex in the entry object’s chars list.

new (String paneName)

The X11TextEntryPane constructor. Initializes resources to their default values and the event handler instance variables to the classes’ event handlers. These instance variables are declared in X11PaneDispatcher class See X11PaneDispatcher.

reflow (void)

Recalculates the character placement in the entry object’s chars list. This method should be used after any operation that inserts or deletes text in the middle of the chars list.

refresh (void)

Displays the contents of the pane’s drawing surfaces on the program’s visible window.

selectionToText (String textOut)

Sets its argument, a String object, to the currently selected text as a string.

subPaneButtonPress (Object subPaneObject, InputEvent event)
subPaneEnter (Object subPaneObject, InputEvent event)
subPaneExpose (Object subPaneObject, InputEvent event)
subPaneLeave (Object subPaneObject, InputEvent event)
subPaneKbd (Object subPaneObject, InputEvent event)
subPanePointerMotion (Object subPaneObject, InputEvent event)
subPaneSelectionClear (Object subPaneObject, InputEvent event)

Handler methods for different types of X InputEvent objects. For more information about the handlers and event types, refer to the X11PaneDispatcher class. See X11PaneDispatcher.

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