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X11Bitmap Class

A X11Bitmap object is similar to a Bitmap object - it contains the address of a bitmap in memory. In addition, a X11Bitmap object has its own X11 graphics context for graphics operations.

Instance Variables


A String that contains the name of a X color. Setting this variable does not affect the color of a displayed bitmap - programs should call the X11Bitmap : background method, which also sets this variable.


An Integer that contains the depth of the bitmap.


A Symbol that contains the address of the connection to the X server that was returned by a call to XOpenDisplay. This is generally the address of the main window pane’s displayPtr instance variable, and in this class, it is expressly set in the create method.


An Integer that contains the height of the bitmap.


A Boolean that helps determine how Ctalk draws graphics on the X11Bitmap. True for X11Bitmap objects that are displayed in popup windows, false otherwise.


An Integer that contains the window ID of the bitmap’s parent drawable. Normally this is set by the create method, below.


An Integer that contains the width of the bitmap.


A Symbol object that contains the address of the X11 graphics context.


The X resource ID of the Pixmap associated with this object.

Instance Methods

background (String color)

Set the background color of the receiver to color. Note: When changing foreground and background color, make sure that an application has is receiving and processing events, using the openEventStream method in class X11Pane.

Clear the receiver to the background color.

clearRectangle (Integer x, Integer y, Integer width, Integer height)

Clear the specified area to the background color.

Copies the contents of srcBitmap to the receiver’s drawing surface. The source dimensions are determined by srcX, srcY, srcWidth, and srcHeight. The method draws the source bitmap’s contents with the source’s upper left-hand corner at destX, destY.

initialize (void *displayPtr, int parentWindow, int width, int height, int depth)

Create a X11Bitmap object and its graphics data.

delete (void)

Delete a pixmap and its graphics data.

drawCircle (Circle aCircle, Integer filled, String bgColor)
drawCircle (Circle aCircle, Pen aPen, Integer filled, String bgColor)

Draw the circle defined by aCircle in the receiver’s paneBuffer. If filled is true, draws a filled circle. If the aPen argument is given, draws the circle with the color and the line width defined by the aPen, and fills the interior of the circle with bgColor.

drawFilledRectangle (Rectangle aRect, Pen aPen)

Draw a filled rectangle with the dimensions given in aRect, using the color given by aPen. For other variations on this method refer to drawRectangle.

drawLine (Integer xStart, Integer yStart, Integer xEnd, Integer yEnd, Pen aPen)
drawLine (Line aLine, Pen aPen)

Draw a point on the receiver’s drawing surface between the points xStart,yStart and xEnd,yEnd using the color, width, and transparency defined by the argument aPen. See Pen.

If a program uses the two-argument form of the method, aLine is a member of class Line. See Line.

drawPoint (Integer x, Integer y, Pen aPen)

Draw a point on the receiver’s drawing surface at x,y using the color, width, and transparency defined by the argument aPen. See Pen.

drawFilledRectangle (Rectangle aRect, Pen aPen)
drawFilledRectangle (Rectangle aRect, Pen aPen,

Integer fill, Integer corner_radius)

drawFilledRectangle (Integer xOrg, Integer yOrg, Integer xSize, Integer ySize, Ineter fill,

Integer line_width, String color, Integer corner_radius) Draw a rectangle on the receiver bitmap. The fill argument, if given, draws a filled rectangle if the argument is true. If fill is false, use the pen_width argument to determine the line width. If radius is non-zero, draw the rectangle with rounded corners with the radius in pixels given by the argument.

entryIcon (int iconID)
entryIconEye (void)
entryIconEyeSlashed (void)

Draws an eye or slashed eye icon on the receiver bitmap. The bitmap should already be created with a call to the X11Bitmap : create method, and should have the dimensions ‘ENTRY_ICON_WIDTH_PX’ by ‘ENTRY_ICON_HEIGHT_PX’. These values are defined in ctalkdefs.h, which can be included in programs and classes with the line:

#include <ctalk/ctalkdefs.h>

In the case of the entryIcon method, the iconID argument should have one of the following values.


These constants are also defined in ctalkdefs.h.

faceRegular (void)
faceBold (void)
faceItalic (void)
faceBoldItalic (void)

Selects the typeface of the currently selected font. The font should have been selected by a previous call to font, below, which loads the regular, bold, italic (or oblique), and bold italic flavors of the selected font if they are available.

font (String font_desc)

Set the font of the receiver.

foreground (String color)

Set the foreground color of the receiver. Note: When changing foreground and background color, make sure that an application has is receiving and processing events, using the openEventStream method in class X11Pane.

icon (int iconID)
iconStop (void)
iconCaution (void)
iconInfo (void)

These methods draw a 64x64 dialog icon on the receiver’s drawing surface. In the case of the icon method, the iconID argument can be one of the following.


Before calling any of these methods, a program must have created the pane’s drawing surface with the create method. It is also generally necessary to set the pane’s background color to that of the surrounding window. Here is an example.

myIcon create aPane displayPtr, aPane paneBuffer xID,
  ICON_WIDTH_PX, ICON_HEIGHT_PX, pPane paneBuffer depth;
myIcon background "blue";

Because icons are generally rendered off-screen, the program should use the parent pane’s display connection, paneBuffer xID, and depth. Then the program can use the X11Bitmap : copy method to draw the bitmap on the surround pane’s buffer. Here’s another example.

aPane paneBuffer copy myIcon, 0, 0, ICON_WIDTH_PX, ICON_HEIGHT_PX,
      iconLeftOrigin, iconTopOrigin;

The constants ICON_WIDTH_PX and ICON_HEIGHT_PX are defined in ctalkdefs.h, so programs and classes that use icons should add this line near the top of the source module.

#include <ctalk/ctalkdefs.h>

putStr (Integer x, Integer y, String text)
putStr (Integer x, Integer y, String text, String font_desc)
putStr (Integer x, Integer y, String text, String font_desc, String colorName)

Print text on the receiver’s drawable X resource, at x,y.

If font_desc, (which is either a X Logical Font Descriptor if using X bitmap fonts or a Fontconfig descriptor if using Freetype fonts), is given, use that font to display the text.

For information about Fontconfig descriptors, refer to the X11FreeTypeFont section See X11FreeTypeFont. For information about X Logical Font Descriptors, refer to the X11Font section See X11Font.

If colorName is also given, render the text using that color.

pixmapFromData (int x_org, int y_org, char *xpm_data[])

Draw the X pixmap defined by xpm_data with the upper left corner at x_org,y_org on the receiver’s pane buffer.

The xpm_data argument is the name of the array declared at the start of a xpm file’s data array.

In Ctalk’s standard libraries, the image will appear on a X11CanvasPane object, and programs can use the pixmapFromData method in X11CanvasPane instead of calling this method directly. See X11CanvasPane_pixmapFromData.

resize (Integer parentVisual, Integer new_width, Integer new_height)

Resize the receiver Pixmap. This method is normally called by an event handler in a parent class (typically, that’s a X11CanvasPane). If you need to resize a graphics pane’s buffers, then the program should also call subPaneNotify (class X11Pane), which invokes the handler for a RESIZENOTIFY event.

Here is the X11CanvasPane classes’ RESIZENOTIFY event handler.

X11CanvasPane instanceMethod subPaneResize (Object __subPane, 
					  InputEvent __event) {
  "Resize the receiver pane.  This is the resize event
  handler called by the parent window's pane

  if (__ctalkX11ResizeWindow (__subPane, __event xEventData3,
			      __event xEventData4,
			      __subPane depth) > 0) {
    /* refreshReframe uses viewWidth and viewHeight, refresh uses size x
       and size y */
    __subPane viewWidth = __event xEventData3;
    __subPane viewHeight = __event xEventData4;
    __subPane size x = __event xEventData3;
    __subPane size y = __event xEventData4;
    (X11Bitmap *)self paneBuffer resize self xWindowID,
      __event xEventData3, __event xEventData4;
    (X11Bitmap *)self paneBackingStore resize self xWindowID,
      __event xEventData3, __event xEventData4;

  return NULL;

For an example of how a program can handle RESIZENOTIFY events, refer to the examples in the X11CanvasPane section. See X11CanvasPane.

xpmInfoFromData (char **xpm_data, Array dataReturn)

Fills in the Array dataReturn with the information from the X pixmap data referred to by xpm_data: [width, height, colors, characters_per_color];

xpmCharsPerColorFromData (char **xpm_data)

Returns an Integer with the number characters per color in the X pixmap referred to by xpm_data.

xpmColorsFromData (char **xpm_data)

Returns an Integer with the number of colors in the X pixmap referred to by xpm_data.

xpmHeightFromData (char **xpm_data)

Returns an Integer with the height of the X pixmap referred to by xpm_data.

xpmWidthFromData (char **xpm_data)

Returns an Integer with the width of the X pixmap referred to by xpm_data.

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