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WriteFileStream Class

Class WriteFileStream provides objects and methods for writing to files, including the application’s stdout and stderr output channels.

Because the way UNIX and Linux file stream modes work, a WriteFileStream opens file non-destructively; that is, for reading and writing, which means that programs can actually perform both reads and writes from a WriteFileStream.

All of the methods for reading files are defined in ReadFileStream class, however. See ReadFileStream. It’s safer to handle existing files when they are opened for reading; i.e., as a ReadFileStream object.

That means openOn won’t truncate an existing file. To start with a new file, use deleteFile (class FileStream). See FileStream.

In that case, and also any time that openOn doesn’t find a file with that path name, it creates the file first.

  writeFile deleteFile "my/file/path";
  writeFile openOn "my/file/path";

To append to an existing file, use seekToEnd (also in FileStream class). See FileStream.

  writeFile openOn "my/file/path";
  writeFile seekToEnd;
  writeFile writeStream appendLine;
  writeFile closeStream;

Instance Variables


Class Variables


The stdoutStream object contains the application’s standard output channel.


The stderrStream object contains the application’s standard error channel.

Instance Methods

new (stream1, stream2, stream3, ...;)

Creates one or more new WriteFileStream objects with the names given in the argument list; e.g.,

WriteFileStream new stream1, stream2, stream3;

openOn (String path_name)

Open file path and set the receiver’s value to the file output stream. The file is created if it does not exist. Raises a systemErrnoException if an error occurs.

printOn (char *fmt, ...)

Format and print the method’s arguments to the receiver, which must be a WriteFileStream object that has been opened with openOn.


Returns the receiver’s value instance variable.

writeChar char

Writes char to the receiver’s output file stream.

writeFormat (char *fmt, ...)

Writes its arguments to the receiver using format fmt.

writeStream string

Write string to the receiver’s output file stream.

writeVec (Vector vector_object)

Write the contents of vector_object to the receiver stream. The length of the data written is determined by vector_object’s length instance variable. This allows the method to write binary data that may contain NULLs and other non-human readable characters. See Vector.

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